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[REPORT] Pokrovski Rayon SLAC

We are pleased to announce the release of our latest SLAC report (Security, Logistics, Access and Cash feasibility) on Pokrovskyi Rayon, focusing on the critical security and logistical challenges facing Pokrovsk Rayon. Pokrovsk city is currently grappling with the aftermath of recent shifts in the line of contact, leading to a volatile security situation and significant disruptions in essential services.

Key findings include:

- A marked reduction in the civilian population due to recent evacuations, though vulnerable groups remain.

- A strict curfew limiting operations, with many services operating for only a few hours each day.

- Anticipated severe cash shortages due to the impending evacuation of financial services.

- Approximately 25% of civilian infrastructure has sustained visible damage, yet primary roads remain accessible, and local markets are operating at around 50% capacity.

The full report is now available. If you would like access or wish to share this report, please contact us at or, and we'll be in touch.

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